
英 美
  • adj. 地狱的;阴间的
  • haddie n.=haddock
  • haddock n.[鱼]黑线鳕
  • hade n.偃角(断层、矿脉与垂直面所成的斜角)v.(矿脉、矿井、断层等)倾斜
  • hadean adj.地狱的;阴间的
  • hades n.哈德斯(希腊神话中的冥界之神);冥府;地狱
  1. the earliest eon in the history of the Earth from the first accretion of planetary material (around 4,600 million years ago) until the date of the oldest known rocks (about 3,800 million years ago); no evidence of life

  1. of or relating to or characteristic of Hades or Tartarus