water level gauge

英 美
  • 水准仪
  • gauge n.测量仪器;测量标准;(铁道的)轨距;(钢丝等的)直径;(枪管的)口径v.估计;判断;测量
  • level n.数量;等级;水平;水平线adj.平的;等高的v.弄平;夷平;对准adv.水平地
  • water n.水;海域;雨水;海水v.给...浇水;给...供水;加水稀释;充满眼泪;给...水喝
    1. Construction workers are measuring distances with a level.
    2. It is easy to use a water level to measure things, but you need to do many experiments before mastering it.
    3. Plot the altitude of the crossroads and other significant sites of the northern plateau with no other instrument but our stone mason's level.
    4. A surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube,used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target.