
英[pʌntʃt] 美[pʌntʃt]
  • n.穿孔的动词punch的过去式和过去分词形式.
  • pun n.双关语vt.说双关语
  • puna n.高山病(呼吸困难)
  • Punaauia n.普纳奥亚(位于法属波利尼西亚;西经149º37'南纬17º38')
  • Punabantu 普纳班图
  • Punacchicory 普那菊苣
动词 punch:
  1. deliver a quick blow to

  2. drive forcibly as if by a punch

  3. make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Printing on paper tape or cards the meaning of the holes punched on the same tape or cards.