
英['kaʊɪdʒ] 美['kaʊɪdʒ]
  • n. 豆科攀缘植物
  • cowardly adj.懦弱的;卑怯的;胆小的adv.懦弱地;卑怯地;胆小地
  • cowbane n.毒芹;长命竹
  • cowbell n.母牛的颈铃;【音】牛铃(一种打击乐器,状如四棱锥)
  • cowberry n.越橘
  • cowbind n.[植]泻根(尤指白泻根)
  1. pods of the cowage plant or the stinging hairs covering them; used as a vermifuge when mixed with e.g. honey

  2. the annual woody vine of Asia having long clusters of purplish flowers and densely hairy pods; cultivated in southern United States for green manure and grazing