
英 美
  • adj.衰弱的;损毁的;不能用的
  • bro abbr.兄弟(=brother)
  • BRo-algebra 基础BR0-代数
  • bro-mopropane 溴丙烷
  • Bro. 支气管镜检查
  • broach n.烧叉肉;叉子;凿子;拉刀n.胸针(=brooch)vt.钻孔开启;凿大;初次提起;开始商讨vi.(船)突然横转
  1. in deplorable condition;

    "a street of bedraggled tenements"
    "a broken-down fence"
    "a ramshackle old pier"
    "a tumble-down shack"

  2. not in working order;

    "had to push the broken-down car"
    "a broken-down tractor fit only for children to play on"

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. Or will an enfeebled world economy continue to drag oil prices down even in the face of concerted OPEC action?
    2. If a man walks down the street in this city he should move unfettered, without the risk of catching a debilitating disease from some whore.
    3. You can not use your check here,you'll have to pay down.
    4. You'd be lucky to shoot a fighter down with a light machine gun.
