
英['æmpləˌfɑɪɪŋ] 美['æmpləˌfɑɪɪŋ]
  • n.扩大;增强动词amplify的现在分词.
  • amp n.安培数n.安宝(财富500强公司之一;总部所在地澳大利亚;主要经营保险)vt.使充满活力
  • amp-hr [电]安培小时
  • amp-mixer n.混响放大器
  • amp. n.安培数n.安宝(财富500强公司之一;总部所在地澳大利亚;主要经营保险)vt.使充满活力
  • AMPA α-氨基羟甲基恶唑丙酸
动词 amplify:
  1. increase in size, volume or significance

  2. to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth

  3. exaggerate or make bigger

  4. increase the volume of

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Any product selected should maximize a data mart's potential for amplifying the impact of direct data access by providing the greatest degree of effortlessness.
    2. Amplifying the natural effect of HSPs on the immune system by using them in vaccines is not the only way to employ these versatile proteins therapeutically.
    3. From the view of books and learning, it looks like self-organization, culture amplifying itself at the expense of biology.
    4. The same should occur in any electrical conductor, but in a superconductor the electrons all move in unison, greatly amplifying the effect.