
英[tʌn] 美[tʌn]
  • n. 酒桶;发酵桶
  • abbr. 突尼斯(=Tunisia)
  • tun n.酒桶;发酵桶abbr.突尼斯(=Tunisia)
  • tuna n.金枪鱼n.霸王树
  • tunable adj.可合调的;能调出和声的;音调美的=tuneable
  • tunas n.金枪鱼n.霸王树
  • tundish n.浇口盘(中间包;漏斗)
  1. a large cask especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 butts or 252 gals

1. MRA adopted " tof ti 3 D multi slab tra tun'sequences and MIP postprocessing.
采用TOF- ti3D-multi-slab-tra-tun序列.


2. " Unless I'm as stupid as you! " replied Tun - weng hotly.
遯 翁 怫然道: “ 除非我像你这们笨!

来自汉英文学 - 围城

3. When Tun - weng saw his son, he said, " Oh , you're back.
遯翁看见儿子, 便道: “ 你来了,我正要叫你来,跟你说话.

来自汉英文学 - 围城

4. Tun - weng suggested that these two rooms be given in exchange.
遯 翁提议,把这两间房作为交换条件.

来自汉英文学 - 围城

5. When they returned home, Tun - weng said, " Our Eldest must certainly be henpecked.
回家之后, 遯 翁道: “ 老大准怕老婆.

来自汉英文学 - 围城