
英 美
  • 科赫(Robert,1843-1910,德国细菌学家,医学家,结核菌、霍乱菌发现者,曾获1905年诺贝尔生理学-医学奖)
  • bear n.熊v.忍受;负荷;结果;证实;生子女
  • koala n.考拉;树袋熊
  1. German bacteriologist who isolated the anthrax bacillus and the tubercle bacillus and the cholera bacillus (1843-1910)

    1. The Koch administration says it's serous about protecting New York City workers who blow the whistle no waste, fraud and corruption.
    2. Koch, whose attacks on opponents are no-holds barred, said that he is really caring and compassionate.
    3. City officials yesterday politely rejected Donald Trump's offer to take over renovations at the Central Park Zoo, but privately said the developer was trying to make a monkey out of Mayor Koch.
    4. Maybe you can't really blame him, but Mayor Koch obviously hasn't looked at himself in the mirror lately, especially when he says President Reagan is a wimp. I guess it takes one to know one.