Bronze Age

英 美
  • n.青铜器时代
  • age n.年龄;时代;时期;长时间v.(使)变老;(使)陈化
  • bronze n.青铜;青铜色;青铜制品;铜牌adj.青铜制的;青铜色的vt.使成青铜色
  1. (archeology) a period between the Stone and Iron Ages, characterized by the manufacture and use of bronze tools and weapons

  2. (classical mythology) the third age of the world, marked by war and violence

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The pre-Qin days were China's bronze age.
    2. The site of Belfast was occupied during both the Stone and Bronze ages, and the remains of Iron Age forts are discernible on the slopes near the city center.